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Weekend getaways from Madrid: Lavander Fields of Brihuega.

I ‘ll tell you a little secret that’s spreading, because very close to Madrid you can feel like in the middle of Provence with its lavender fields. You know I ‘m always discovering plans in Madrid or near the city, and this’s a total #chivatazoMCB .

Flores de lavanda. Foto de

Yes, you heard right. Many make true pilgrimages to southern France to see their purple fields that stretch to infinity. But you needn’t go that far to see areas of sun-drenched lavender. Over an hour’s drive from Madrid, in the province of Guadalajara and hidden in forests , you’ll find this little gem.

Hileras de plantas. Foto de

The area is known as the Jardín de la Alcarria, and it has one of the most important plantations of lavender of Spain. Therefore, it isn’t necessary to go to the area of Marseille to enjoy this show. Simply approach around Brihuega, at a point on the road to Malacuera , passing this village a few kilometers . I put you the exact point on the map below, don’t worry. When you reach the area there’s a large open space to park the car without problem, including toilets.

Campo de lavanda. Foto de

There’s precisely the place where it’s celebrated the Festival de la Lavanda, held in the fields themselves. This year it had two concerts, one of Zenet and one of Estrella Morente. The lucky ones were able to complete these evenings of music with a picnic under the stars. I couldn’t go this year , but I wont’t loose the next edition. I have to be more farsighted.

Personas entre la lavanda. Foto de

I took the opportunity to approach last Sunday, and I wasn’t alone. But don’t worry because it isn’t overcrowded. You can stroll along the road that skirts the plantation or walking, carefully, through the furrows ground between rows of lavender. The ideal hour to visit lavender fields is at dusk , when the panorama is coolest and there’s the most beautiful colors .

Calles de Brihuega. Foto de

Like any field day will have to be careful with some other bee there , but they’re concentrated in the pollen of plants and don’t realize the least by strangers who visit them these days. But be warned: next weekend of July is the last chance to take a walk through the fields of lavender, so don’t leave it for later. And if you’re made of strong emotions, you can also enjoy the area from the air, taking a balloon ride. You have all the information here.

Campos de lavanda desde el aire. Foto de

The small town of Brihuega turns in summer with lavender, organizing lots of activities to visitors and villagers. The streets are dressed in white and purple colors, both covering the streets with garlands as decorations balconies and trees. Before going to the plantation, we combine the tour with a walk through the streets resting a while in the shade at the park of Maria Cristina.

Staying in Madrid it isn’t the reason why you don’t excursions, and very close to the city. Click on my weekend getaways from Madrid to organize your next plan and enjoy the summer.


Schedule: July.
Address: Road GU-925  from Brihuega to Malacuera, 7,7 km.


Lavander Fields of Brihuega on our map

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  • Hi there at Madrid Cool Blog!

    Loving your blog! I’m going to Barcelona in June and was wondering if there’s a lavender field around the area? I was thinking about going to Provence, France just to see their fields but I think it’s a long journey from Barcelona, right?
    I appreciate you tips!
    Thank you!

  • Hello. Can you please tell me how to get Brihuega?Will it possible by bus or any transportation if you don’t have your own car? Please i realy appreciate your answer. i really liked to visit this place. 😊

  • Its not possible to visit the lavender fields the first days of August??? Im gutted, as I only read this now. Will the lavender be there in the fields, just not as beautiful as in July? Or will it be gone??? Thanks much for your advice.

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