This pleasant restaurant Recoletos street is a breath of fresh air to the general trend of the area. It’s true there’re several of the best restaurants in Madrid in the surroundings, but sometimes you prefer to take a quick, safe and simple menu. Especially at lunchtime on weekdays as it was our case.

The entrance area has sofas, bar and tall tables if you go in informal way; but if you want to eat, in the inner part it’s the area of low tables, with a small terrace in the courtyard. The local has settings for all needs, from those who will eat alone and want a quiet corner to round tables for various guests. Whatever the plan, you will be comfortable.

Their food is basically Spanish with colonial influences. I explain. They have very pleasant surprises, such as “papas arrugás” , and touches of Southeast Asia and South America (especially Andean) cookings. The menu of the day we met when we went: a starter or appetizer “Papa canaria a la huancaína”, not-so-typical Canarian recipe; second course choosing between Chicken tamale with creole sauce or Quinoa hamburger with yellow pepper sauce and Caramel bonbon ice cream with candy powder biscuit. The Tamal’s menu is 14.5€ and the Hamburger’s menu is 11.5€.

Canarian potatoes was quite good, with cooked potatoes and a mojo was neither red nor green, the two best known of the Canary Islands, but just as good. Their own recipe with the addition of small cooked eggs gave it a twist. Our main course was the tamale. A corn dough joined pieces of chicken, black olives and a little egg, and red onion. This dish of Andean origins stings a bit spicy and filling. Finally, a non-cloying ice cream dessert.

Cuisine with Caribbean and exotic touches, ingredients more typical of other latitudes and an atmosphere of colonial house, make it a different and fun proposal.
La Jefa Home Bar
Phone: +34 91.621.76.74
Schedule: Sunday to Wednesday 9:00 to 0:00 hrs., Thursday 9:00 to 2:30 hrs.
Average price: daily menu 11,5 – 14,5€.
Address: Recoletos, 14, Madrid.
La Jefa Home Bar on our map
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