When I was little I didn’t like cars, I remember with no special affection the summer pilgrimage to Spanish coast without air conditioning and car sick and the long and boring car hours car didn’t help. I grew up and I got my driving license, and I began to enjoy it because of the freedom to go anywhere anytime. I’ve to say teverything changed when I met Fer. Surely you remember Driver, Ryan Gosling movie in which he played a very skillful driver. Well, I think Fer taught him to drive. He was born in Madrid, and stroll down the lanes zigzagging is part of his DNA. I dare not so much , but gradually he has transmitted me his passion for cars, and I’m sure he’ll love the next weekend plan. Well, he and all the crew, because in the Jarama circuit on June 18th and 19th June will be celebrated the Renault Passion Tour, with plenty of activities both for driving and for those co-drivers who fall asleep after starting the trip. There’s a plan for everyone!

There are plans to spend a whole day there, if your idea of fun is not limited to cars, you can do many other activities: show cooking, a pop up market with young Spanish designers, along with a selection of food trucks and a fast food corner to charge batteries. Don’t worry if you have kids, because they’ll have fun: they’ll climb bouncy castles, paint their faces and be absorbed by magicians shows. While you’re driving, your children will be in good hands. Do you like running? You’ll do with racing cars. After a few tips, take the controls of one of the latest Renault models at the racetrack, off -road tracks and enclosed areas. There’ll also be an exhibition of mythical brand models: Clio Cup, Clio R3T for rally, European Championship RS01 and F1 World Championship RS16. There’re also racing karts, competitions against the clock in a mini-circuit, classes to control a vehicle in emergency situations and testing the new system Park Assist (yes, when the car is parked without hands).

If you are someone who can not spend a day without doing sport, there’ll be a surf simulator with a permanent wave so when you get to the beach you’re a crack of the waves and a climbing wall for climbing in a controlled manner. For those who run everyday, on Sunday you can take part in Renault Runners, crossing Jarama’s goal in a different way and getting an exclusive kit. But if adrenaline is your stuff, try your freefall simulator and test your fears. If I am brave enough I’ll try.As you see there’re activities for everyone, for those who catching curves to those that couldn’t reach the pedals. Register here and choose what activities you want to do. It’s possible have a funny summer in Madrid!
Renault Pasión Tour
Schedule: Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 of June, from 10:00 to 20:00.
Average Price: free
Address: Circuito del Jarama, San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid).
El circuito del Jarama on our map
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