Duck & Sushi . Restaurant in Chamartin with the best cuisine of Asia.


If you like Asian food but you’re bored of eating always the same sushi, Duck & Sushi is your salvation.This restaurant in Chamartin collects the best of Asian cuisine and gives it a personal touch. You’ll never think about oriental cuisine in the same way. Malasaña or Alonso Martínez have no longer the hegemony of […]

BiCocina Organic. Macrobiotic restaurant in Chamberí.

BiCocina Organic. Restaurante macrobiótico en Chamberí.

UPDATE: it’s closed. The first thing to do to be healthy is eating well. That’s what we have always heard from our grandmothers. One thing is you have to eat more fruit (which is true ), less precooked (also true) or eating more balanced and healthy (very very very true); but… Did you ever think […]