Este local abre para dar desayunos, comidas y meriendas de lunes a viernes. También se puede reservar para comidas y cenas privadas o contratar un catering.
Una vez allí puedes elegir comer en la mesa central comunal, muy al estilo neoyorquino, que compartes con desconocidos, dos pequeñas mesitas para dos personas, una de ellas junto a la ventana que es una maravilla y una mesa situada contra la pared al fondo.
La novedad hasta que termine 2011 es que están abiertos los sábados. No os perdáis su cesta de panes con cata de aceites, su bizcocho de zanahoria o cualquiera de sus tés.
Olivia te Cuida
Santa Teresa, 8, Madrid
Horario: de 9:00 – 18:00 de L – V
Tfno. 91.702.00.66
[English version]
“Slow motion” atmosphere to relax and let yourself be cared for. In fact, the name is one of the best chosen I know; Olivia and her mates make sure that your experience is unique. Also, the place is like the bohemian style living-room of your best friend.
It’s opened for breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack from Monday to Friday. Also it can be booked for private lunch or dinner or hire a catering.
Once there, you can choose to eat at the communal table, very new-yorker style, two little tables for two people, one of them close to the window that is marvelous and another one placed against the wall.
The newness is that until the end of 2011 they are open on Saturdays. Don’t miss their bread basket with oil tasting, their carrot cake or any of their teas.
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